Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Danger Box

"It is like confessing a murder." - Charles Darwin

"His hand holding the purple crayon shook." -
Crockett Johnson from Harold and the Purple Crayon

How are these quotes related? Read The Danger Box by Blue Balliett and find out.

Meet Zoomy, a 12 year old boy who lives with his grandparents in the small town of Three Oaks, Michigan. He sees the world in a different way than most because he can hardly see the world at all. He is legally blind and his "thick as oatmeal cookie glasses" give him only a limited view barely beyond the end of his nose. When he finds a treasure that is "fragile, easily recognized around the world, too valuable to put a price on, and could fit in your pocket," he knows he has to figure out a way to make others around him see its importance as clearly as he can.

If you like mysteries, enjoy learning new things, and are brave enough to see the world around you in a whole new way, pick up Blue Balliett's new book The Danger Box. You may be already familiar with her twisty plots, artful coincidences, and her unique style that embraces the reader and forces a true interaction with the story from her earlier works: Chasing Vermeer, The Wright 3, and The Caldar Game. However, The Danger Box allows Balliett to continue communicating with the reader and encourages them to not only think in a new way but also to act in a new way. A way that could change how one reads books - forever. A way that could change how one tries to survive - forever.

Hint: How is a book like a danger box?
Hint: How did Darwin and Harold get others to believe that the world they saw was real?
Hint: How is survival of the fittest like a game?

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